Tech Tutors are available by appointment only. Please call or visit any branch to book your one-on-one appointment.
The Tech Tutor program supports those facing digital dilemmas, such as using library digital resources like OverDrive or hoopla Digital, getting started with Office software, understanding a new personal mobile device like a phone or e-reader or learning computer and internet basics. Library users can expect patient guidance as they embark on their digital learning journey.
Tech Tutors are available by appointment only. Please call, 613-549-8888, or visit any branch to book your one-on-one appointment. Check our events calendar for details about upcoming appointment times, and subscribe to the Connect newsletter to stay updated.
Due to popular demand, patrons are limited to 2 appointments over a 3 month period. Patrons may be scheduled for extra appointments if a time slot has not been filled. Each appointment is limited to 45 minutes in length.
Patrons are advised to bring their own devices. If necessary, a KFPL device can be provided for the appointment.