Recommended for ages 13 to 17. Do you want to write but aren’t quite sure how to turn the ideas in your head into a book? Join YA author Emily Victoria for an engaging writing workshop.
This writing workshop will feature tried-and-true methods on how to plot out your novel, as well as some tips and tricks to avoid common plotting mistakes.
This program is offered as part of the Juvenis Festival.
This program requires free registration. A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. Registration will close two hours in advance of the event.
About the Author
Emily Victoria is the author of This Golden Flame.
She is a Canadian prairie girl who writes young adult science fiction and fantasy. When not word-smithing, she likes walking her over-excitable dog, drinking far too much tea, and crocheting things she no longer has the space to store. Her librarian degree has allowed her to work at a library and take home far too many books.
KFPL often has events and program "in the community," outside of the library branches. Look in the description of the program for more information about where it is located.